Free one-time full Moodle site backup by us saving you from tedious and error-prone course-by-course backup/restore migration.
Many of the SaaS Moodle hosting providers just provide you a fresh Moodle instance. You are then left to your own devices to migrate your existing Moodle installation to this fresh Moodle instance.
For example, on MoodleCloud, the Moodle admins are advised to first backup their courses and then restore these course backups one by one on the new MoodleCloud instance. Even these course backups are limited to 100 MB only. Any seasoned Moodle admin/teacher knows that backups and restores can be tedious and error-prone, especially if the courses are large or when you want to preserve user data.
Migration thus becomes a bottleneck for any non-trivial site when moving to a new Moodle hosting provider without a facility of full Moodle migration. It becomes especially impractical for organizations with a large number of courses and enrolments. You either have to engage a consultant, factor in the migration cost to the provider or spend time migrating your Moodle installation, sometimes more than once to ensure a correct and complete migration.
This does not have to be this way. When migrating to MooDIY, it does not matter whether you have a handful of courses or whether you have hundreds of courses, small and large with a large number of students and trainees enrolled. We only need a backup of your existing Moodle installation and we will stand up your new Moodle installation with all your data and users with minimum downtime. What is more, we will also upgrade your Moodle to an optimal version of Moodle if you were stuck with an old version with your previous Moodle hosting provider.
We are proud of our commitment to support all sizes of existing and new Moodle installations and not just those that are just starting out with Moodle.