Our Vision For A More Inclusive Learning Environment

Vikram SoliaMar 5, 2024
Our Vision For A More Inclusive Learning Environment

Our vision for education is rooted in the belief that learning should be an empowering force for all.

Our vision "Enabling Education for All" illuminates our path towards:

  • Extending the reach of education and learning to everybody; and
  • Striving for education to be an enabling force and not a time-sink / debt trap

We are committed to breaking down barriers to education and learning and enabling access for everyone, regardless of background or circumstance.

While education is a potential enabler, if it is not available for all, it can widen the gap between the haves and have nots. We also feel that access to substandard education can complicate this problem. Those years that one spends going to school and college where lack of quality in education carries an opportunity cost. These years could have been spent learning a valuable skill in the traditional sector instead.

Substandard education deprives the society of capable citizens and productive personnel. Moreover, due to intense competition for employment, it kills the spirit of learning and encourages rote-learning, cheating and for higher education, years of loan repayment. We can see this problem aggravate with the advent of artificial intelligence that will deprive freshers of the much needed break in the industry.

While these are very big problems for which we do not have any ready solution, we understand that technology can help in extending the reach of good education to the masses. To stay true to our vision, we have avoided external funding till we have a clearer roadmap to a solution. In the meantime, we have been able to survive and serve our customers consistently in the last 15 years of our journey and contribute back.

Our Mission - Technology as an Enabler of Education

Right from our entrepreneurial roots back in 2005, we have striven to make a decent Learning Management System (LMS) available for everybody and we did run a free Moodle service for many years partially funded by donations. We have decided to go back to our roots and do that once again because the need is still there and we have become much more competent to provide such service.

In our years as a Moodle provider, there have been many instances where we have come across teachers who want to offer their own students a Moodle environment despite not being funded by their schools/colleges/institutions. Many times a trial period of a month or two gets expired before you are able to give Moodle a thorough evaluation. Moreover, sometimes a trainer/teached simply cannot or does not want to pay for a full Moodle site because you are either not earning yet or it simply is not your revenue model.

We are happy to contribute by having a MooDIY Free Forever Plan for and hope it will provide a platform for all the above cases.